Litigated custody and DVPO case need property division wksht

Im going through a nasty litigation that involves an Ex Parte Domestic Violence Protection order 50B against my ex and custody battle where my ex filled an emergency custody order to retaliate on me and got our son. We go to court soon and his attorney asked for household items to be divided but the list he has sent me is mostly property from prior to me knowing him. I need a template that I can separate the property and its values so I can show why he is not entitled to these items and what he is. He is calculating assets in to the final #'s showing my Great Grandmother’s china that was given to me prior to dating him. Can you please guide me to a spreadsheet I can work on preferably free as I am working with an attorney but I am really trying to keep my cost down. I am a homemaker and Im on a limited income.


I don’t have a spreadsheet template, but it may be helpful for you to fill out the Equitable Distribution Inventory Affidavit. You are required to serve this on the other party before you can have a hearing on ED, and it allows for you to classify property as separate (and include reasoning why). Visit, select your county and then look for a form entitled Equitable Distribution Inventory Affidavit or EDIA.