Fed up w/ Parenting Coordinator

i have gone to my atty to file the objection, and ask that this coordinator be taking off the case. in doing so, i politely emailed my ex letting her know that the original court order was still in affect and that this would be her weekend by it, if she would like to have our son. she forwarded a copy of the letter to the coordinator, who responed by calling me angry and bitter, and that if the court sustains his recommendations that it will be to her fortune. in your opinion, how is this going to be looked at by the judge. i have truely done nothing to show either anger or bitterness. at the end of our session i showed hurt by breaking down and crying, due to what took place. he also stated in his reply that he was directed specifically to deal in these matters and I could have gone much, much further, but chose not to do so initially until I could see how these recommendations progressed. i feel very threatened by this man. i feel very threatened by this statement