Court, What to expect?

So mediation did not work. My ex and I are being scheduled for court in July. Why does it take so long? What should I expect? A judge, lawyers, who is in the audience? Is it appropriate to bring anyone with me? How long does it take? Who does the talking? Do I get to say anything? I’m really scared.

The court calendars fill up pretty quickly, and there are many folks waiting for their day in court, it is not uncommon for cases to be set months out. This will give you and your attorney time to prepare for trial, to gather potential witnesses, conduct discovery, take depositions ect.
I can’t say for sure what you should expect, as I do not know what the hearing is for. There very well could be folks in the audience as the courts are open to the public, however generally the only people there are friends and family, and maybe a few other people who are waiting for their case to begin, or observing hearings to have a better understanding of how it works.
You may bring friends and family to sit in the courtroom for support, and depending on what the hearing is for, to testify.
The lawyers will be asking the witnesses questions, and occasionally the judge may have a question or two of his or her own as well. You will have your opportunity to testify as well.