Housing cost after B & B

The real question is:
If i am ordered to move out to other housing due to a B&B order, and she is given “possession” of the marital house, under what circumstances am i likely to be “ordered” to pay any part of the expenses of the marital home she has “possession” of?
She is 64 and works, i am 71 and do not work

We are about to go to court for Bed & Board decision. Spouse wants “possession” of the Marital house. Marital house is big, on several acres and expensive both to buy and to expensive to pay monthly costs such as: property maintenence, maid service, electric bill, phone, TV, insurance, taxes, etc.
Due to poor RE market and very slow sales in the $1,000,000 and up market the marital house may be unsold for many months if not a year or more. Question is: since the one forced to leave the house has to pay all costs for another place to live, does the leaving party have to pay any part of the ongoing cost of the marital house?

You don’t have to pay anything unless you are ordered to, but if bills go unpaid your credit may suffer.

I should have made the question more specific. The real question is:
If i am ordered to move out to other housing due to a B&B order, and she is given “possession” of the marital house, under what circumstances am i likely to be “ordered” to pay any part of the expenses of the marital home she has “possession” of?
She is 64 and works, i am 71 and do not work.