Possible need to go back to court


I have recently won a case against my ex where we both have split custody with an option where I have the final word.

At the time, she informed the court that she had a vehicle and to the surprise of the court and CCR (Counsel for Children’s Rights) she had an income.

Lately, things have changed. She has not had a vehicle for what seems like 2 months now and I think this is due to her still not having a job (as she never ever had a job even when we were married).

In addition, she does not go to any of the counseling sessions our daughter has to go to by order of the school that I am paying for and she does not appear at any of their events.

In the court proceedings, CCR stated that the were in favor of the split custody but if there was a concern about stability then me the father should get full custody.

My concerns are her inability to get them to important events nor emergencies due to not having a dependable vehicle. I am also bothered by the fact that she does not cooperate with me concerning our daughter going to counseling to help her with her behavior and that she is slowing down her progress.

I am not sure if I have grounds yet to take her back to court, but I do not want to wait till the last minute to make a move. I am also considering getting legal counsel to put this issue to bed for good.

I look forward to your insight.


I think that it would be beneficial for you to have a consultation with an attorney in your area to discuss the court order, what changes have occurred since the entry of that order, and whether you should file a motion to modify or move forward with a permanent custody hearing if your order is temporary.

Thanks. Sounds like a good idea. It will be worth it for the benefit of our kids.