Seperation Papers

What does this mean?

“Husband and Wife each shall be free from interference, authority and control, direct or indirect, by the other. Neither shall molest the other, nor harass the other, nor compel or endeavor to compel the other to cohabit or dwell with him or her. Furthermore, each party shall be free to see, date and otherwise associate with other persons free from any control of the other party.”

Does that mean that by dateing we are commiting adultery? and if one ( me or a girl he got pregnant ) got pregnant can that be held against one in court since the papers are ALREADY signed? Please explain. and how can it be worded so that i can get pregnant?

Husband and Wife each shall be free from interference, authority and control, direct or indirect, by the other - [color=#0000FF]You leave him alone, he leaves you alone. Your opinion doesn’t matter to him, his opinion doesn’t matter to you.[/color]

Neither shall molest the other, nor harass the other, nor compel or endeavor to compel the other to cohabit or dwell with him or her. [color=#0000FF]He shall not bother you, you shall not bother him, same for harrassing, and he cannot try to coerce you to live with him again, and you cannot try to coerce him to live with you again.[/color]

Furthermore, each party shall be free to see, date and otherwise associate with other persons free from any control of the other party."[color=#0000FF] You can date someone else, he can date someone else, and you both agree to not try to control the other about their dating. If he gets someone pregnant after separation, so be it, if you get pregnant after separation, so be it. You should be fine…I believe that any child born within 9 or 10 months of separation is presumed to be the spouse’s child…but after that, it’s presumed to NOT be.

I could be wrong…I am not a lawyer, but that’s how I would read it.[/color]

This is a standard non-interference paragraph that is present in many, if not most separation agreements. Dating is not adultery, however having sex with someone other than your spouse prior to the actual divorce is, and the language above does not change that.