Alienation Of Affection / Criminal Conversation - location?

With regards to these two claims, does it matter where the activity occurs? In other words, would North Carolina have jurisdiction if the activities occurred out of state?

My understanding (albeit from reading materials on the internet), is that if there was some way to tie the third party to the state of NC through physical presence, email, phone call, instant messenging, then a NC court has jurisdiction over that party for Alienation of Affection.

However, I haven’t seen anything with regards to where adultery occurred? If that out of state, does a NC court have jurisdiction for purpose of Criminal Conversation? (I believe it is a relevant factor in other proceedings for alimony)

Thank you for your time.

Yes, any availment by the third party to the state of NC (phone calls included) gives NC jurisdiction over the claims. There is no requirement that the physical affair actually occur within the state.