I have a court date coming up and now I have issues with my Attorney and now had to release them, so going at it alone.
My first question is dealing with Social Security Disability and a dependant spouse. My ex has filed for Social Security Disability, but has not received benefits as of this date that I am aware of!!! She is entitled to back pay as well. Currently, they are claiming she is a dependant spouse. Since she has not received any benefits as of this date, she has only applied for them; can I use that for means of income? Been turned down twice through the proper channels and is awaiting a court date…can I use the estimated Social Security Benefits as her income? She is also a RN; can I use the average income for a RN in my county provided by the Employment Security as her means? Can this also be used in figuring out the Child Support amount?
My second question is: If I make a settlement now, for Child Support and Spousal Support, can Spousal Support and Child Support be changed if she does in fact get Disability?
Are Spousal Support and Alimony the same thing?