Free Trader Agreement

My husband & have been separated for almost a year now & I’m trying to purchase a home. I am being told that I need to have him sign a Free Trader Agreement. Do we have to get an attorney involved in order to do this or can I just print out a form & have it notarized?

You may draft your own Free Trade Agreement. It will need to be signed by each of you before a Notary Public and recorded with the register of deeds in the county where the land you are purchasing is situated.

Great. Thank you so much for your help!

You are very welcome.

Question - is a Free Trader Agreement retroactive or is it just going forward from the date of the document?

Question - is a Free Trader Agreement required as a part of the divorce process?


It does not act retroactively and is valid from the date of execution and recordation. It is not required that two parties execute a Free Trade Agreement after separating.

So if we don’t have written or legal separation does this Free Trades Agreement make it legal more or less does this have any affect on the non legal separation? Cause I’m a little skeptical about signing it.

The free trader agreement is a completely separate document/contract from a separation agreement. You can have one in existence without the other. The free trader agreement allows a married person to acquire real estate free and clear from any title or interest from that person’s spouse.

Signing a free trader agreement does not affect a separation period.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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