Currently, my wife and are seperated, since June. We are communicating and trying to make things work, but I am having the hardest time making a decision of what to do. A lot of things happened for me to make a decision to move out yet again for the second time.
I am paying for an apartment and continue to pay the mortgage on the Real Estate property, which is very stressful and a hardship for me.
Recently, her son, 22, and nephew, 21, have moved into the house with her; along with her other other son of 21. Probably not much I can do about that, just bothers me that people are getting a free ride because of my situation.
With that being said, the mortgage is in my name. We got the house while we were married. I have considered contacting the mortgage company to see what my options are for letting the house go, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. Is this something that I could consider? or will the marriage prevent that from happening?
What other options do I have?
I also am in the Military (Guard), and really do not want to jeopordize my career…
Very frustrated…please advise.