I’d also like to add that SM did not return my son as ordered either…I had to drive up to NC to pick him up and filed 2 police reports…1 in town where we are ordered to meet and 1 in town where she lives when trying to get his belongings back…
If you believe the presence of his step-mother’s boyfriend is a substantial change from the situation that existed when you signed the consent order you can file a motion to modify the order and ask that the visits be limited.
I do not think there is anything you can do about the issues regarding your sons personal property, he is going to need to be careful in the future about what he takes.
P.S. Please feel free to bring up this or any other topic on our live call-in show every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. EST. Visit radio.rosen.com/live for details
Helena M. Nevicosi
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I have a consent order that was signed by a judge that gives my son’s stepmom (his dad is deceased and I thought it was the right thing to do)visits every other weekend. It also has my ex father in law listed but doesn’t say what happens if they both wanted him at the same time…and his visits so far have only been with stepmom but they both live in the same town and GD does see him from time to time.
SM moved her BF into the home and he’s been present for all visits for the past 4 months…BD passed last july…my son and SM got into an argument and she told him some horrible things that I don’t even want to repeat…now he says he will not go back. She is also refusing to let him take any of his belongings out of the house…even gifts that she gave him this past christmas, clothes, etc…and even kept some items that he took from my house to hers for the weekend visit.
His grand dad says the visits shouldn’t be that often and to let him stay with me and his friends here…that if he doesn’t want to go back to SM he doesn’t have to…and that GD is too busy for lots of visits…maybe every few months…since he is listed as a “co plaintiff” with her is that ok?
What do we do? Will a judge order that my son has to continue going to SM’s house? I feel like if she’s moved another man into the house her relationship with my son has ended…just like it would if she’d divorced my ex…but not sure what the legalities are.
Please advise on how we handle this and how to get my son’s belongings also.