Alimony, from my understanding, is an award and not figured by a calculator. You’ve already done the percentages for child support, so that would be the same, less the allowances for daycare, insurance and extraordinary expenses. Some of this has to be a gut feeling on your part about what YOU think is fair and sustainable for everyone.
If you have not done so already, start working on a budget for you and the children so you can determine what you need to provide for your household. Spousal support and Alimony are not based on particular formulas, as compared to child support. This is one of the most difficult issues where couples cannot agree on what is reasonable. Doing the above budgeting and long term planning considerations (below) will give you objective data to help make educated requests and decisions about your financial settlement.
Another thing to consider would be to contact a financial planner to help educate you and provide information to you about the long term consequences of various options, in terms of finances. This would be a good idea to do prior to deciding your financial needs overall. Many such professionals will work with you without charging a fee, with the hopes of you recognizing the value of their services and employing them in the future as an advisor.
Hope this helps.
Deborah M. Throm
Rosen Law Firm
1829 E. Franklin Street, Bldg. 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919.265.0017 direct
919.321.0780 main voice
4101 Lake Boone Trail
Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27607
919.256.1544 direct
919.787.6668 main voice
301 McCullough Drive
Suite 510
Charlotte, NC 28262
704.644.2531 ext. 100
I have been a dependent spouse for 16 years of marriage. In a consultation with a family law attorney, I was advised I should negotiate for a 50/50 split of gross income for spousal support and that I should be entitled to it for a period of 8 years.
My spouse and I are trying to come to an amicable separation agreement and I would like advice on how to calculate this 50/50 split of gross income to arrive at the monthly amount of spousal support I should negotiate?
Our percentage share of income as computed on the NC Child Support Calculator is 14.49% me and 85.51% him.
I will be the physical custodial parent of our 2 children as well. My spouse will be continuing to pay the children’s health and dental insurance.
We want to settle out of court, but if it matters in regards to my question, the attorney I spoke with said I would have a case for an [?][?]at fault divorce with my husband being at fault.
Thank you for your advice.