Contempt of court charges

[i]Originally posted by trebor[/i] [br]I lived in NC and moved to MT in 2000. I pay child support for two children to my ex wife. i have consistenly paid for 25 months with no missed payments..before that i do have aerage

What is “aerage”??

ARREARAGE (past due balances)
geehz, sorry I didnt spell check…

[i]Originally posted by oldnavyguy[/i] [br]
[i]Originally posted by trebor[/i] [br]I lived in NC and moved to MT in 2000. I pay child support for two children to my ex wife. i have consistenly paid for 25 months with no missed payments..before that i do have aerage

What is “aerage”??

Regardless of whether or not you pay child support you have a right to see and talk with your children. You should keep all documentation of phone calls and all paperwork for your records. hawkman may be able to give you some pointers about this since I think his ex essentially did the same to him. Unless your court order specifically states that visitation can be withheld by the custodial parent at any point for any reason, she can not stop you from visiting. Get a recorder on your telephone and record the attempts to contact your children. In NC it’s legal and admissable in court to have a recorded telephone conversation as long as one of the parties is aware that it’s being recorded.
If you have a court order it will have to go back to court to be modified. If the children live here in NC and the court order is here also, then I’m sorry to say the modification will need to be done here also.
Sadly, the situation with your teenage son is not going to get better unless you take action. Regardless of what your ex says about you that is a relationship that you are going to have to work at, and since your ex is being negative you are going to have to take drastic steps. Your ex is taking advantage of the physical distance and you are going to have to do something if you want to salvage any type of relationship with your children.
My suggestion, take a week off work, if at all possible. Send your ex notification, in writing that you are going to be here for a visit with your children on a specific date and send it out the day you leave to come here. When you get to her home, do not park in her driveway. Make sure your children know that you are there to see them. If she says they are not home, tell her you will be back in an hour. Show up every hour for a week if you have to. Keep records of everything. Contact an attorney before you come and request a consultation that week. Bring all the documentation with you. See what suggestions you get about taking the next step to visit with your children. I don’t know what the costs are but you will lose any chance you have with a relationship with your children if you do not do something about it now.
They may come to you when they are older and want you to explain why you weren’t in their lives and then you will have a chance to tell them you tried. They may want your side of the negative stuff their mother is telling them, but that will be after they are grown. Do you want to wait that long?

Dear trebor:

Greetings. Child support and child custody are separate claims and not related in the courtroom (generally). File a claim for child custody. Good luck.

Janet L. Fritts
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm

4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 500
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
919.787.6668 main phone
919.256.1665 direct fax

301 McCullough Drive Suite 510
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
704.644.2831 main voice
704.307.4595 main fax

1829 East Franklin Street, Bldg 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919.321.0780 main phone
919.787.6668 main fax

The response posted above is based upon the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney, fully explain your situation, and allow the attorney sufficient opportunity to research the applicable law and facts required to render an accurate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service but a full discussion with an attorney should be undertaken before taking any action.

I lived in NC and moved to MT in 2000. I pay child support for two children to my ex wife. i have consistenly paid for 25 months with no missed payments…before that i do have aerage as i missed some payments due to the move and lower wages. We have spent thousands of dollars to do a child support reduction only to find out this week the financial harship paperwork i have been filing every year was to reduce the aerage amount i pay, this whole time we thought it was for the actual support!! My problem is this, my ex wife refuses to let me see the children, i have seen my children 1 time for 30 days in 7 yrs. she refuses to let them answer the phones so my communication with them is limited, my son is now 15 and doesnt want to come here due to the negative things shes says about me. My daughter is 8 and does not rem me. I miss my children and want to see them badly. How can i hold her in contempt of court and also force her to go back to mediation to get that order adjusted so i can have my children in the summer? It clearly states it can be adjusted due to the children growing up or a spouse moving etc, but no one told me that it can only be changed if she agrees!! how fair is that? I have no money to hire an attorney for this, she gets free help because she is the mom… what about free help for the dad who is not a dead beat dad? Everyone says i have to go to NC, i cant afford that, so i can never see my children because she refuses? please let me know what i can do, i want to see my children !!