Dislosures in advance of Mediation of BB divorce

If my attny says he will be arranging for mediation before going before judge for the very first time, sometime in November or after,
Can there not be a motion at this time for husband/defendant to produce all bank records/statements, credit cards, assets, the whole nine yards for the past 3 years? Also, so it’s received timely, and can be evaluated before mediation?
I initiated BB divorce last February, where complaint asked for interim alimony, possession of house, freezing of assets/accounts, etc etc etc,
Defendant husband came back with a counterclaim in 45 days rather than 30, objecting to all.
Since no action has been taken by my attorney. I am suspicious that there could have been motions made that was in my original complaint during this long wait giving me relief, and also stopping narc husband from what i have heard of him hiding all his assets, spending gobs of money supporting a young mistress from before I initiated divorce to present
while I am drowning without funds, and so much more.
I just need to know if i have been improperly represented as i’m being eating alive by a covert narc husband

Both parties need to do a full financial disclosure in advance of a mediation in order for it to be successful. There may be local rules in your county that set deadlines for when those financial disclosures need to be turned over.

Your attorney can also send a request for certain financial documents and the lawyers can agree on a date in advance to exchange each party’s financial disclosures.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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