Divorce apartment lease

My wife has abruptly decided she wants a divorce and intends to leave our jointly leased apartment 10 days prior to our intended lease renewal that has already been prepared. This presents a big financial issue for me facing paying all the bills alone and I do not believe in divorce. What are my options? Is she able to pull out of the lease renewal so abruptly?

We are located in Cary NC, married 4 years and no kids.

If she does move out, there is nothing you can do to prevent her from doing so unfortunately.

But if she does, you will want to attempt to negotiate with her to pay for all or a portion of the lease break fee or perhaps you may qualify for some alimony to help pay the monthly rent during the next lease term.

You will also want to consider the distribution of all the other marital assets like equal division of retirement accounts, investment accounts, vehicle values, and also considering how to divide debt.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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