My ex and I rented our home from her aunt. My ex constantly asked me to leave and finally threatened to call the police to make me leave if I didnt because it was her aunts house. I finally left and now she want to claim alimony…even though she is working. Should I have to pay alimony if she made me leave?
Unfortunately working or not working is only relative when it comes to alimony. If you make significantly more than she does, chances are that you will have to pay some form of alimony. There is an article on this site called “Alimony - by the numbers”. It will give you the basics on alimony.
Typically, alimony is awarded for the term of 1/2 the years of the marriage. The amount is determined by many factors listed in the article I referenced. Alimony is also tax deductable for the payor and taxable to the recipient.
Yes, even though my husband wouldn’t give me money when we were married, he has to now. And living back with my mom I don’t have to pay rent so I can keep the money and now I do have more than when we were married. Actually we are still married but just separated but he does even still have to give me alimony.
Alimony is awarded in the case of a dependent spouse. If you made more money than your wife and had a relatively long term marriage (over 10 years), chances are, you will have to pay some alimony for about 1/2 the length of the marriage. If the SUPPORTING spouse committed adultery, then alimony must be awarded. Alimony is about economics and fault does play a role where an alimony award is concerned. If there is no fault, and you still earned more than your ex-spouse can earn, there’s a good chance alimony will be awarded. Keep in mind, it is also based on the ability to pay. The Court will seldom award a great deal of alimony and usually, the award is not enough. You might be all right. But, if you earned more and were the supporting spouse, you will have to pay something unless your wife committed adultery. Then, you are off the hook.
Alimony is payable to a dependant spouse if he or she can demonstrate a need, or that he or she is dependant on the supporting spouse’s income to maintain their standard of living. Being the spouse who initiates a separation does not bar the dependant spouse from seeking alimony.