On October 15, 2003 I stood before the judge with my lawyer by my side and him with his lawyer. Of course I knew it was going to be continued and sure enough it was, until November 5, 2003, But the protective order stayed in effect and he was to reconnect the power to our marital residence immediately and he was to pay the reconnect fees, and I was to pay the utility cost as long as I occupied the home, which I thought was fair. Of course being the person he is he requested to have the power reconnected the next day instead of the day the judge stated. Is there something I can do about that? Now we will fast forward to him violating the ExParte Order. Calling me on serveral occassions and also having his sister call to. I went to the magistrate office to file charges. Court date November 4, 2003. They were unable to locate him and finally the day we had to go to court for me filing the ExParte Order(11/5/03)they served him for violation of the protective order, which is a separate case. Now I have to wait for the court date for him violating the ExParte Order and another court date for me filing the ExParte Order which is December 10, 2003. Now what are my chances and his chances in this case??? Also he refuses to sign the separation papers, is filing a lawsuit against him the answer??? If so, why? How will that help me? Will I finally get the separation by filing a lawsuit? How long do this takes? And what is the procedures in this case?
Thanks for your Cooperation.