Hi. im on “mental” disability. i broke my back when i feel 20 feet in a hole. i couldnt walk for 3 months. i filed for disability because the fall issues “several” but i also filed under mental also. I filed and 2 weeks later got a doctor appointment. 2 weeks they give me a call and said im approved. it was in 2007 but still took me only 6 weeks. i have been married since 2003 and together since 2000. between needing to sit and stand as needed. 30lb weight limit because of the compression fracture. they measured bone density. now the mental side. i talk to people that are not there. also I talk to myself out loud. wake up wanting to die few days a week. not getting out of bed for 16hrs. attempted susaide a few times. 2nd time was really bad. spent 2 weeks in a bed incoherent and woke up in a crazy hospital. I have bad kidneys , almost dialysis stage. i have had cancer 3 times. 3rd time required brain surgery. they didnt know if i was going to live. i signed all the if ■■■■ happens your out of luck documents. ss pays me $1400 each month. my meds are around $500. i am at doc appointment every few months for 1 of the issues and there are more but are not worth reading. She makes $60,000 a year with a great job and crazy max benefits. The ones you dream about. do you think there is a case for spousal maintenance?
You may have a claim for alimony however, your wife must have the ability to pay. It is difficult to say she has the ability to pay on a $60,000 salary.
For alimony to be awarded, there must be a supporting spouse and a dependent spouse.
For a more detailed discussion on alimony, check out our article Will You Owe Your Spouse Alimony After a Divorce? The information in this article is also relevant to your situation where you are the spouse seeking alimony.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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