Modification of Visitation

My husband will be going back to court shortly on his motion for contempt against his ex-wife and her motion for contempt/modification of visitation against him. Since she has opened the door for modifying the visitation agreement in her motion, would it be appropriate for my husband to use this court date to ask for more visitation than he is currently receiving? Her Motion for Contempt is unfounded, he did not violate any terms of the order. She did, however, refuse to bring his child to the court ordered meeting place on three separate occassions so the he could exercise visitation. We are hoping that she will be found in contempt. The current order was entered a year ago and my husband would like more frequent visits than what is currently ordered. Do you think this hearing could be a venue to ask for that?

He must file a motion to modify custody before a court will consider his request for additional time.