I am divorced and I am now responsible for paying are large amount of Alimony to my Ex according to my SA. In my SA it states that prior to the sale of our home I would have to pay $x per month in Alimony and after the sale of our home I would have to pay $x + $y in Alimony. I have not been able to afford to pay $x + $y for a long time now due to insufficient income. I have gotten re-married and my new wife is disabled and cannot work due to a chronic disease. She has been denied Disability/Social Security. So therefore, she has no income and I am her sole financial support for all her needs. My new wife was not aware before we were married that I would have to pay $x + $y each month to my ex-wife.
So here are my questions:
1.) Can I get a court to force a modification of my SA due to the above situation?
2.) Can my new wife sue my ex-wife to get a modification of my SA from a court?