Money what is legal

My husband has been hiding cash. He told me he spent our entire savings. ( which was all cash) I also just discovered his cash from his band fund is missing. He is still living in the house and he is wanting a divorce. I’m a stay at home mom & totaly dependent on him. We have been married 22 years.He is giving me barley enough money to feed our family. I charged food and gas on a credit card in my name and he refuses to pay it. Is it legal for me to pay it off from his personal bank account? I have his account # stored online because we usually pay it with his card online. Also is there anything I can do about him hiding money? Thanks

If throughout the marriage you traditionally used your husband’s bank account to pay the credit card, and he has not revoked this access, then you can continue using that account to pay the credit card.

It is not appropriate for a spouse to hide marital assets, including money. You are entitled to one-half of the value of the marital estate. To resolve this, you would need to file an equitable distribution claim against him, which would force him to produce his financial records so the marital estate could be equitably distributed.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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