Moving divorce from Texas to NC

I would check with your attorney in Texas to determine the status of your matter and then, if you choose to file in NC, you would first need to withdraw your divorce complaint in Texas. If you have been in NC for six months and your spouse has not responded to the complaint in Texas, it may be that you merely withdraw and file here.

In NC, the divorce itself is a separate action from the other issues in the divorce, so it is also possible you could maintain just the divorce action in NC. If you have property to divide or other financial issues pending, seek counsel from an attorney before proceeding with a NC divorce complaint.

Deborah M. Throm
Rosen Law Firm
1829 E. Franklin Street, Bldg. 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919.265.0017 direct
919.321.0780 main voice

4101 Lake Boone Trail
Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27607
919.256.1544 direct
919.787.6668 main voice

301 McCullough Drive
Suite 510
Charlotte, NC 28262
704.644.2531 ext. 100

Is it possible to move divorce proceedings from Dallas, Texas to North Carolina? Would I need to “cancel” the paperwork over there and restart it here or do the attorney’s do this themselves? I filed in March 2005 and nothing has been signed due to lagging attorney’s and my ex. So the only thing that has taken place is the initial paperwork was filed with Collin County 9 months ago and nothing has happened since.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
