Multiple Orders

Scenario: There have been multiple hearings and changes to an Original custody/visitation order. Some of the new Orders are additions to the original - items not previously covered under the prior Order and some are changes to the Original or even changes to the one that was in effect just before. This makes things somewhat confusing, especially for those that are reviewing the Orders, such as professional involved in the case and frequently NCP is trying to follow a prior Order and not the most current.

Is there a way to consolidate and have one Order that combines all the specifics of the prior Orders and most updated changes? Can a new Order (being drafted from the last hearing) include all the provisions of the prior Orders that were not modified in the last hearing as well as the updates and new provisions of that hearing?

Although I understand where you’re coming from in wanting to simplify this process, I’m not aware of a rule that will let you consolidate multiple Orders into one. I can see how having several of them can be confusing.