Hello. I am curious about how much a judge will weigh a temporary order for custody that has been in place for five months. My child is six years old and is doing really well with the current schedule. His father really wants more overnights. He would really love to get at least 124 of them. Currently he has every other weekend and a visitation on the off week. Will the judge strongly consider that the current plan is working well or would he be likely to grant more because things are going well with his father. His father has been playing superdad since the original hearing and it is a complete turnaround from his behavior during the marriage. The only negative thing I can say is that he is always late with drop-offs anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour. He has not been on time or a few minutes early once. I have always been early with drop-offs. He is financially stressed and paying no consistent child support, but i don’t think he is physically punishing our son anymore which was the biggest issue during the marriage and what cost him more time with our son at the first hearing I think. His home is our formal marital home and it is being prepared for sale, so my housing situation, though it is with my parents at the moment, is more stable.
Thanks for your time! This forum is such a wonderful resource