The judge handed down a temporary custody order in January.
For the first 5 months, I get 5 nights, my STBXW gets 9 nights, out of every 14. I wanted 7 & 7, but that is what the judge ordered.
Thankfully, the judge specified that temporary custody goes to 50/50 starting in the summer, and stays that way.
In an attempt to get more custody in the end, my STBXW’s attorney convinced the judge that we should have a Guardian ad Litem investigation before determining permanent custody. There are no allegations of violence or mistreatment, so it is really weird that the judge agreed to order a GAL. Of course, I have to pay for it. My STBXW’s argument is that she is the better parent.
My question is this- Are you aware of any cases where the temporary custody order specified 50/50, but the permanent custody specified less than 50/50 custody for a parent who wanted 50/50?
Under what circumstances have you seen occasions where a judge has ordered less than 50/50 custody for a parent who wanted 50/50? I mean, she has nothing besides self-serving complaining.