Hello, and thanks so much for your answers.
The judge in my case issued a temporary custody order in January. It is very simple. During the remaining school year, I get the kids for 5 overnights, then my STBXW gets the kids for 9 overnights.
This year, part of Spring Break falls during my time with the kids.
Our first agreement was a voluntary privately-signed parenting schedule that we agreed to last fall. It was in place until January. We had holidays in the agreement. In our previous fall 2008 private agreement, we were supposed to go to 50/50 custody in January. We were supposed to split Christmas, I got Thanksgiving, and she got Spring Break. However, she sued for temporary custody. I had the kids during Thanksgiving, and we split Christmas.
But, the new court-ordered agreement has no provisions for holidays, specifically spring break. Instead of starting 50/50 custody in January, 2009, we now go to 50/50 custody starting in the summer.
My STBXW still insists that she just “gets” Spring Break because I got Thanksgiving under the old agreement. She would have them for 3 weeks straight. She says I just lose the 5 days with the kids I should have in April over Spring Break. I say that there is nothing in the court-ordered agreement about that.
I proposed that we trade days in April, so that she would be able to take the kids to Spring Break. She refuses to trade days, and insists that she is just going to take them.
What recourse do I have if she just takes them from NC to FL for the vacation during my days?
Thanks for your great answers, again!