I have several questions,but I won’t post them all!
1.) Spouse is military, may possibly retire soon. What am I entitled to as a spouse (married almost 20 years- we separated at 18 years)
2.) Spouse will give me no information on Income , and out of state bank accounts funded with marital money.What can I do to get this information?
3.) We had been separated a few times over the last 7 years (2 1/2 years this last time, then reconciled 8 months now separated again 6 months) we are divorcing this time, all that time I received between $1800-$2000 month. Recently spouse closed all joint accounts, took all the money and control over all the bills. And decided to “give me $800 a month as support until divorce”. I haven’t worked in 5 years. When I file P-Separations support can I ask for the amount I was receiving? Spouse took control of bills including motgage, does that mean spouse can deduct mortgage payment from support ? I’ve asked to pay the mortgage while recieving the support according to standard of living. Mortgage is $850 month, I live in the home and have since he had left me for another woman 4 years ago. ( sorry probobly squeesing in alot of stuff so i’m understood).
4.) I’m strapped financially and will probobly go the Rosen DIY route, I don’t want to make any regretted mistakes filling out forms, how much is your fee to look over documents and give advice?
5.) How much does it cost to file a p-sep support if I do it myself? Anywhere to look up those fees in my County?