Scared and not sure what to do

Question please, my husband’s mistress has been harassing me, what are my rights? I live in another county in NC and they both work for the County Sheriff/Jail and I feel helpless.

I admit to trying to be fair and amicable because of their positions with the jail, however, I feel as if they are abusing their power and feel they can get away with it. He of course is her superior and I felt that if I filed an alienation of affection lawsuit or a harassment suit it could cause personal bodily harm to me.

The reason I feel this way is the mistress texted me on Thursday night, I called the Sheriff’s office to ask how take care of a harassment case, never said any names, but know without any doubt that he knew exactly to whom I was referring. He then said to me “for your personal safety do not tell anyone where they work” I cannot sleep and feel as if I need to watch the people that took an oath to protect and serve.

Should I persue action, wait for my separation to be up or can I can I get an emergency divorce?

There is no such thing as an emergency divorce - you must be separated for a year before you can file for divorce in North Carolina.

If your husband sends harassing or intimidating correspondence you can move for a Domestic Violence Order of Protection DVPO. We provide plenty of information about how to obtain a DVPO on our Domestic Violence Center.

If it is only the mistress who is making threats, you can seek a 50(c) Order of Protection.