To move out or not to move out?

Almost 3 weeks ago, my husband asked for a divorce - we have been married 7 years. He claims he wasn’t in love with me when he married me, but married me to make his mother happy and my parents happy. He says he wants an amicable separation/divorce, but wants the house and our pets. The house is a new construction as of 3 years ago and is our dream home. He knows I cannot afford the mortgage, utilities, loan payments and insurance for the house and my car on my own, but wants to “do right by me” and furnish an apartment for me. So he gets his divorce, the house and our ‘fur babies’ and I get some furniture? Is there anything I can do to keep the house? Or do I have to face the fact that it is too expensive and move out?

In regards to a house that is marital property in a separation, typically either one spouse keeps it and becomes solely financially responsible for it (including refinancing the mortgage) or the house is sold and the net proceeds divided equally.

If you are entitled to alimony, you may be able to financially afford the house with the help of alimony, including being able to refinance it. Otherwise, if you cannot afford it on one income, you may have to consider moving to a place less expensive to maintain.