My husband and I separated in May of this year. We completed our separation agreement with Rosen Online. The agreement states that I would vacate our home if my husband hadn’t titled the home to me within a certain time frame. That has not happened and so I am looking to remove myself from the deed. I am not on the mortgage. Is the only thing that needs to be done to get that complete is filling out a quickclaim deed? Where can I get one?
My second question concerns some credit card debt in my name that my husband will be responsible for paying back. Is there anything I can do to get that transfered to his name so if there are late payments it won’t effect my credit?
I also have a question about custody. It is looking like my husband will be renting a one bedroom apt. He does not make as much money as I do but has suffered from an addiction so has waived alamony. Is he still eligible for legal custody of our children? How can I protect my children from his possible continued addiction if he wants joint legal custudy? I am not interested in keeping the children from him but I would like to know if there is any middle ground. I am trying very hard to not limit his contact with the kids. Any and all options to this would be appreciated.