Last June I left my husband, due to his alcoholism. I left the home (I thought temporarily) that I had purchased in 2001 myself, thinking that he soon move out. I had both our children and stayed with friends and continued to stop by the hosue to get items, as needed, and to check mail. July 28, 2009 I rented a Uhaul to get my personal belongings from the home. My ex called the police and I was told that I had to leave and that I could not go back. The police told me that the matter would have to be taken up in court.
I purchased the house in March 2001, individually. I furnished it and have put everything I have into it.
He began living with me in Sept of 2002 and only brought 2 bags of clothing with him.
We got married December 31, 2004 and had a child together, nine months later.
I refinanced the home in June of 2006, at which time I added him to the deed and the mortgage loan.
I am tired of moving from place to place with the kids and trying to make another home for them, when I have one sitting there that I owned long before he ever came along. I know it’s been a year but can they actually ban me from my own home? What do you think my chances are of getting it back, if I take this to court myself?