I moved out of my home in August 2010. Spouse and I were married in 2006. The house is in my name only, the mortgage is in my name only, and I purchased it two years before we were married; she contributed no money to the purchase.
Many of my personal items (furniture, etc.) that were given to me or purchased by me before the date of marriage still remain at the property, as I haven’t had room to store them anywhere else. I am moving this week to a new rental house, and out of my apartment I’ve been in since date of separation, and now have room for some of this stuff. Spouse is on a “vacation” - she doesn’t work.
As a courtesy, I let her know three days in advance I planned to go into the house/garage/attic and get some of this stuff that is indisputably my property. Her attorney and she claim that I have to have my spouse’s permission to re-enter the property since I established a new and separate residence.
Is it true that I am not permitted to re-enter my own home, one that is solely in my name that she has no financial interest in (it has declined in total value since the date of purchase), that she isn’t paying for at all, to retrieve my own separate property, without her permission?