Can I keep husband out of our house?

I have a Bipolar husband who refuses to take his meds. Told me 5 days ago he wanted a divorce. Packed up his stuff and said “our separation starts now”. Sent me a text last night that said, “I’ll be home tomorrow”.
I do not want him here. We need time and couples therapy. He’s also been doing drugs and scares me a little. Am I allowed to keep him out of our house? Both of our names are on the mortgage.
Thanks for any advice.

Yup. Go ahead…once he leaves you may change the locks…

not a lawyer

concerneddad68 is correct. Change the locks or have them rekeyed before he has the opportunity to come back. If he left without intent to come back, you are in good shape.

Thank you!

Once he leaves and establishes a different residence, you can change the locks. You can also have him arrested for domestic criminal trespass if he comes back uninvited. I would advise him that you intend to call the police if he comes to the property without your permission.