It sounds like your first step would be to file a “Motion and Order to Show Cause.” You should make sure you have all of the evidence proving your allegations before you go to court.
Helena M. Nevicosi
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm
4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 500
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
919.787.6668 main phone
919.787.6361 main fax
Charlotte Office
301 McCullough Drive
Suite 510
Charlotte, NC 28262
Main Phone: (704)307.4600
Main Fax: (704) 9343.0044
Durham & Chapel Hill Office
1829 East Franklin Street
Building 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 321.0780
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The divorce states that 2002 taxes be completed together and the refunds split.
The divorce states She gets the 38k equity in the home, the pension from his late employment and HE GETS $1000.00
Believe it or not he signed those papers!
He DID NOT get the full measly $1000.00 only $400.00 and she tells him, “but we need the $600.00”
He not only DID NOT file WITH her…BUT she filed on his behalf WHILE they were living in seperate states and FORGED his name and date on the returns, FORGED his name on the refund checks and refuses to give up his little part of the funds owed to him!
He has not yet done anything about these criminal acts because he does not want his children to hate him for whatever or however the mother chooses to lie or explain the children about this.
HOWEVER…since he has remarried in the past 8 months she has taken him to court over medical costs not covered by insurance and won…because she sued him…didn’t matter to the court that she owed him money the issue was he was ordered to pay these bogus costs.
Then he worked overtime to pay these court oredered extra costs, and she took him to court to raise child support based on this overtime and won that too the Judge did not care that he had a statement from his employer stating the overtime was NOT guaranteed they based it on YTD and sorry about anyone’s luck
we have a copy of the forged IRS 1044
Do we take it to the police Dept. in North Carolina by hand…(they will not respond over the phone)
His lawyer wants him to get a copy of the actual check before he will take it to court
Can’t they have that supeaned? (spelling)
Stuff like that is HARD to get
We do have the forgery of the tax return and the date it was signed they were living in seperate states.
We just want whats fair. She owes him money and should pay up God knows he pays plenty and has for the last 5 years.
HOW do we get the law to enforce the law of her criminal actions of forgery, fraud and theft?