I have a child who exhibits aggressive behavior and often disregards my instructions. Her father hasn’t had her at his home for over a year. Recently, she has been posting about him online, which he brought to my attention. Now, he’s requesting that I provide him with her MAC address. To begin with, I’m not aware of Eshal’s MAC address, and I also feel uncomfortable sharing it due to privacy concerns. Now, he’s reaching out to PC for assistance with the situation. Here’s what he wrote:
What is option here?
You will need to explain to the PC why you believe a MAC address is not important, not relevant, or not otherwise necessary for the best interest of the minor child to be shared.
Otherwise, if the PC issues a directive to do something, you must do it as if the judge ordered it. If you disagree, you can file a motion to have the court review the PC’s decision, but the PC’s decision stands until it is reviewed by the judge.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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