I initiated Bed & Board divorce this past February.
Case will not be heard 1st time by assigned judge not before at least November.
I had to borrow money to get an attorney on board. I have no savings like my millionaire husband.
Last week, I proposed to husband divorcing that we go thru voluntary binding arbitration.
Today, was told his lawyer has said NO to arbitration.
Yet, been told there is compulsory mediation to be arranged at this time and in Columbus County NC with administrative fee, and charge by hour for court’s mediator, and then of course my attorney fee,
This will KILL to have to borrow $ for mediation, especially knowing this will not accomplish anything with a covert narc husband of wealth who has not paid me any alimony thus far and says he is assured he won’t have to pay a dime to me for alimony, anything.
Can I possibly refuse mediation,considering my circumstances?
If mediation is a requirement in your county then you will likely be unable to decline to participate. You may have to file a motion to be relieved of that requirement and it would be up to the judge whether or not to grant it. I’ve never seen this done.
Mediation is significantly cheaper than going to court and having to prepare for trial which is very expensive and very time consuming. With the right mediator, you case can be settled permanently in a mediation session. Mediation tends to be very successful, even with the most unreasonable and worst opposing parties.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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