Without going into all the details, I have spent $ 12,000 on legal fees alone, not to mention repeated travel costs to the eastern part of the state as I go through my first divorce. For months my attorney and hers have had unproductive negotiations etc. I feel Ike im no further along now than I was when we began. So, I’ve insisted on a trial to establish the separation date which is years old, and a jury trial, because the opposing side wants to continue claiming faults. The thought of a jury trial seems to have scared attorneys on both sides of this to death, and my attorney tried hard to talk me out of it ( when it was original his idea). Now I’ve learned that my attorney, without my knowledge, has agreed to mediation. So my questions are;
My attorney says both her attorney and mine are required by NC law to be present at the mediation sessions ? Is this true ? I don’t see how I could be saving money if I have to pay my attorney to be there, an arbitrator, and of course her attorney thinks I will pay for him to be there as well.
Does it make sense to go to mediation if we can’t agree on one of the biggest disagreements - our separation date.
These proceedings are taking place in the eastern part of NC, in a rural location, where there’s difinitely an " ol boys network" with the attorneys. This makes me extremely uncomfortable. Does anyone have thoughts on how best to handle this ? costs are an issue for me. Having to pay an attorney to travel 300 miles for the sessions seems cost prohibitive.
Thanks for any advice !