My wife moved to Maryland for a new job in February 2010. In July 2010, she and I agreed to separate. I live in the house that we shared. We both are on the deed and mortgage. We both still pay half of the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and HOA dues. She has a Maryland driver’s license, license plate, and works full time out of state. After she came and took furniture and things in August 2010, I changed the locks. In December, she came to the house and I would not let her in. She called the police and the officer said that she could not be kept from the premises since we still shared expenses on the house. But, after reading the domestic criminal trespass statute and responses on this forum; however, I am not sure that is correct. Could someone please help me with this?
EDIT: This is a pressing issue because three hours ago she said she wanted to come down with her boyfriend over the weekend. So, I need to know what my rights are. Thanks again.