From what I read sounds like you had an affiar and if you did you will pay in the long run. If not I would look into suing her for this if you can hope the best for you if you did not have one.
I believe that she would still be able to sue for Alienation of Affection if she has the proof. Criminal Conversation or Adultery is a misdemeanor and is rarely prosecuted but that would be the DA not your stbx. Alienation of affection would be your stbx suing the other woman as long as she did not condone the affair.
EDIT: AofA suits can be filed up to 3 years after the affair occured.
It sounds, to me at least, as though she did not have enough proof to show herself to be entitled to alimony, or decided in the long run it wasn’t worth it and dropped the suit.
If she dismissed her claims with prejudice she would not be able to bring them again, however if you have not resolved your property and support issues, it is unlikely she dismissed them with prejudice. I do not know if she filed a claim for Alienation of Affection or Criminal conversation so I don’t know if she would be able to bring a lawsuit on those issues. If she had filed them and then dismissed them with prejudice, they would not be able to bring them again.
Helena M. Nevicosi
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm
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Suite 510
Charlotte, NC 28262
Main Phone: (704)307.4600
Main Fax: (704) 9343.0044
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Building 600
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(919) 321.0780
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I am currently separated from my wife. At some point she filed a civil complaint defining her as a dependent spouse;the need for post separation support;her innocence; my infidelity;abandonment on my part (i did move out of the house but have paid all the bills);alleged a romantic connection with another female (to be named at trial); verbal abuse,e tc. After a period of time, my wife decided to drop the civil suit. I received notification via the lawyer that the suit had been withdrawn/dropped.
My question comes now…Can these allegations be brought up again or are they forever gone due to the suit being withdrawn/dropped ? Since she dropped the suit, can she sue for criminal conversation / alienation of affection ?
I have hopes to complete the divorce without any further litagation except for our divorce agreement.
Thank you !