I read on this forum that alimony was unlikely to be awarded if lesser- earning spouses’ income was greater than 50% of higher-earning spouses’ income-- is this (generally) true for spouses who are both high income (professionals) earners?
Is Alimony considered in ED hearings, or is it a separate hearing?
An SA can be agreed to with ED to be determined at hearing, correct? Is one advantage to doing so to allow the divorce “clock” (year-and-a-day) to start “ticking”? Are there any disadvantages to signing an SA with ED to be determined at Hearing?
I realize that child support issues (amounts) can be adjusted after divorce, but what about ED and alimony amounts-- can they ever be adjusted post-divorce for any reason? Can an SA, or judgements from Hearings regarding ED or alimony be appealed, for any reason (new evidence, incompetent representation,
many thanks