Filing your own Divorce

Easiest and cheapest divorce is the computer cd they sell at staples or office depot. You may have to modify a few things on them, but since everything is divided and there are no children, it’s the best thing you can do for $35. As far as when you get a hearing date, that depends on how backed up your local court is. They can give you an idea when you file the papers, but usually you have to wait a minimum of 30 days before a hearing.

I used this website and downloaded all the forms for my now husband’s divorce. It also gives you detailed info on how to do the filings and what you need. It even tells you what color paper and how many copies you have to have for each form.

I had no problems and his divorce is now final with the divorce papers hanging in a frame on the living room wall.

From the Home page, go to “tools and resources” then click on forms.

The very first set of forms is for “Absolute Divorce”. It has very detailed info on how to do this. The cost in each county will be different. Scotland county was $150 to file (well worth the money).

How can I obtain a copy of a simple divorce. There are not children involved and all the martial propertys has been taking care of. I just need a copy so I can type my own and get the ball rolling no lawyer needs to be involved. and after I file the papers at the court house how long do I have to wait to get a court date