My husband and I are separated (working on a formal separation agreement).
He is not living in the home we have together, but I am with the children. He is refusing to pay anything toward the mortgage, and also refused to do a quit claim. I need to refinance the home (because he has us in a 10% interest only loan that I cannot afford on my own).
If he is not paying toward the mortgage…and I cannot afford the entire amount…what am i to do? Should I not pay as well and let them put it into foreclosure so I can get out of the mortgage (he will not refinance in his name either)? Should i try to pay the whole amount, even without his help, so my credit is not further ruined?
I should also mention that I gave him $ toward the mortgage when we were married and living together…but he did not pay the mortgages on time for the last several months…so my credit score has been reduced to a “poor” status. I am not sure what to do about the home or how to move forward.