I’ve discovered my very long time husband has been cheating. I have numerous emails of him looking for girls on CL and admitting to cheating during our marriage in some of the emails that I sent to him using Fake emails.I accidentally discovered a secret email address he has been using. I want him OUT of our home but he will not leave. He comes and goes and continues to lie and do what he does and I just have to put up with it?? He physically abused me 6 mos ago and I have photo’s of the bruise. Can I take warrant out on him for domestic abuse and have him removed from the home?
In other words. I sent numerous emails using different fake email addresses to his secret email. He thought I was from craigslist in all the emails and he told exactly what he is looking for and has been doing during our marriage. I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
In order to get your husband to leave the house, you may have to file a court action against him. You may qualify for a domestic violence protective order. You can also file an action for divorce from bed and board if a recognized fault grounds apply to your situation.
For more information on divorce from bed and board, check out our detailed article What is a Divorce From Bed and Board?
You can also present a separation agreement to your husband with your proposed terms for alimony, property distribution (equitable distribution), child custody, and child support. This could prompt your husband to realize you are serious about separating.
You may also be able to file criminal charges for assault on a female, or some other type of assault charge, by going to the magistrate’s office in your county.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh
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Thank you so much for your help!