I have been unable to work for a couple of yrs and husband is furious and wants me to get out since i am unable to pay half the bills. says i am owed nothing in divorce since i am not contributing. He is mental and emotionally abusive and says we cannot live together. We have no family or friends here since moved her for his job. I have no place to go and why should I leave based on my bad health which he refused to carry health insurance on me. he maxed out credit cards buying 4 wheeler and other toys for outdoors. Now says i am to pay for my own soap to wash my hands. I went to a dr to get help but he wanted to run test and hubby said no more bills. just go to work or else. he has not physically abused but many a night gets mad if i do not do what he says right at the moment he says and throws our dinner across the kitchen therefore we have nothing to eat that night. my poor dog hides under bed when he comes in the door. I sleep one eye open he says no need if things do not change he will kill himself. 4th time in 14 yrs he has said that.
You will likely need to file for divorce from bed and board in order to resolve any of these issues. Any assets acquired during the marriage, except for inheritances, are marital property which is subject to being divided in equitable distribution. After a separation, you would also be entitled to postseparation support/alimony if you are the dependent spouse (actually and substantially dependent on your husband for your maintenance and support) and if he is the supporting spouse (the spouse that has provided for the other’s maintenance and support).
For more detailed information about divorce from bed and board, check out our article What is a Divorce From Bed and Board?
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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