I plan on attending one of the seminars regarding divorce help, but would still like a lttle info on what my rights are. My wife recenly told me she wants a divorce. We moved to South Carolina a little over two years ago. The move was to better her career. I on the other hand, I have had a couple or terrible jobs that I could not tolerate and now I am unemployed. We purchased a new home in Fort Mill, SC in 2007. Since then, my wife’s job has moved to Raleigh/Durham and we are now living in a townhouse in Cary,NC. I have enrolled in school full time at Wake Tech, and have for the time being, have given up on job hunting. Not knowing the divorce was coming, has caught me off guard and left me slightly lost. All I want to do is collect me things and move back home to start my life over. We talked about being able to seperate our poccessions on our own, and I think that is still the plan. We have not been able to sell the house in Fort Mill and I beleive that is one of the major factors in her decision to divorce. Needless to say, I feel that house is the spawn of satan and would like nothing more than to wipe my hands of it. I want to try and do a short sale on the house inorder to prevent it from causing any more distress on my life. I also am planning on moving to my home state as soon as this semester is over. With all that being said, does any one have some input on this subject. I would greatly appreciate any productive advice.
Need some help