Joint custody and child support

My soon to be ex wife and I have agreed upon joint custody where we both have our daughter an equal amount of time. How does child support come into play in this situation? I’m not trying to get out of taking care of my responsibility. I just don’t see the point in having to pay child support of we both have our daughter an equal amount of time

Hi James - not a Rosen attorney but I can say with experience that custodial time is only part of the equation. There are other attributes that plug into the formula, including gross income for both households and other expenses (like medical premiums, etc).

This website has an excellent calculator…plug in the numbers to see where you stand: NC Child Support Calculator - 2021 Guidelines and On

P.S. I pay child support even through we have equal time (because I make slightly more $). Not really fair IMHO but it’s the law.

Even when there is a joint custody situation one parent usually pays child support to the other. NC uses certain worksheets to determine child support amounts. In your situation, you would need to use Worksheet B, which is the worksheet for a joint custody situation.

Each parent will still receive “credits” for work-related childcare expenses they pay and medical insurance premiums they pay.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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