Judge Ordered Alimony but not Back Pay of PSS

I had my Alimony and Motion to Modify PSS in January. I unfortunately had to represent myself (my soon to be ex-husband had atty.) Judge did order Alimony. However, because I didn’t present the back pay of PSS (approx. $6000) correctly Judge didn’t take it as evidence. My question(1) - can I still submit this back pay as Contempt of Court since the PSS Court Order was still in place? Also, judge heard our whole case on Alimont and made decision despite fact we don’t have a Divorce Decree.

(2) Although Judge didn’t specify Alimony amount - current PSS order is for 72 months (prior payment of mortgage for 1 year to be inclusive) at $1225. Judge stated he never orders for 72 months for PSS only 12 months and Alimony would be credited for the time ex has been paying. Can I appeal this? I moved out and got a place according to the PSS Court Order - then judge states he didn’t mean to do that??


An order for PSS is a temporary order, and it will terminate once you obtain an alimony order. You need to move forward with your alimony claim. Alimony can be ordered despite the fact that you have not legally divorced yet.