My wife has asked me to move out of the house we are currently renting together. (Both names are on the lease)
I found an apartment and she will be filing for separation in the next couple of weeks. She is looking for work but hasn’t found anything she is interested in. She is telling me I will have to pay rent at our house (which I can understand), all utilities, her insurance, cell phone bill, cable bill, gym membership, food allowance, gas, misc money, alimony, and then child support.
This sounds like a little much if you ask me. I’m active duty Coast Guard and have suggested marriage counseling several times. There are no issues in the marriage other than her telling me she has fallen out of love and the grass has to be greener on the other side. We have two young children together.
My question is, I thought all those expenses were child support and alimony, not in addition to.
Sorry for the novel, this has not been easy for me. Thank you kindly in advance for any advice.