Must I revert to Maiden Name?

My 1 yr separation is passed and my spouse and I stayed married so he was insured - recently my dad passed away and I am listed as executor with my married name and as beneficiary on a number of items with my married name. Wouldn’t you know it - in the middle of all this - my ex spouse decides he wants the divorce finalized ASAP. My question is - do I HAVE to switch back to my maiden name with the final judgement or can I leave it as is and then once my dads estate concerns are resolved go back to my maiden name? This is an uncontested absolute divorce and there are no children

Thank You,

You do not have to resume use of your maiden name upon divorce. You can keep your married name however long you want. If you later decide to resume your maiden name, you can go to the Clerk’s office in the county in which you live and apply for a name change. I think it is about a $10 fee and a simple process.

Thank you - you just lifted a load off my back!!

You are welcome!