Okay, I’m going to try and keep this as short as I possibly can.
My wife and I have been married since December 28, 2008. I am 22, she is 21. We are not seeing eye to eye, and things have been very bad for a long time now. I am now wanting out of this marriage, safely. She is not aware yet, mearly because I want to learn my legal rights first. I was just medically retired out of the Army, getting a disability payment for the rest of my life. I also recieved a severance package (7900 dollars roughly). I am just curious to see, is she legally entitled to this disability, and/or severance? I’m sure she will come to an agreement to split the money evenly (roughly 18,000 dollars in our bank) but I just want to protect myself, because her mother and herself have been very decieving lately.
Also, I plan on moving to Florida with my family as soon as humanly possible, mainly because I have NO family/friends/work here. Would I still be able to file, and go through the whole divorce process from Florida? If so, how do I go about filing? I have recently just moved from Washington State (within 1.5 months) so I don’t know the NC laws. I have had many “friends” tell me, to watch out because they could see her taking all of the money out of the bank and saying she spent it on whatever. If this happens, is this legal? What can I do to protect myself from this? I would hate to check my bank account and the 18,000 that I mainly earned gone, and used on some fake “purchase” and I’m left with nothing!
I don’t want anything out of this divorce, except my money, clothes, and peace of mind. She can have the dogs, furniture, etc.
Help as soon as possible would be great, I am wanting to leave this house ASAP and safeguard my money just as fast!
edit:: also, I have been reading a lot about alimony. Will I have to give her alimony? We both have worked equally, and we’ve been married less than three years.